Sunday, April 3, 2011

Gaddafi's Descent into Madness: A Story Told Through Hats

My Junior year biology teacher told us her life story through hats on the first day of class. I didn't care at the time, but I now realize hats truly can tell a story.

Just kidding. That teacher was nuts, but Gaddafi is crazy as fuck. At this point, it's beginning to look like anyone who wears hats regularly is anywhere from moderately annoying to full-on psychopath. If these are the mistakes he makes regarding fashion accessories, think about what it must be like to have him rule your country!

Stage 1: Boxy Berets
Here he is wearing a classic black, with a white robe. Very diplomatic.

Here is a textured burgundy one.

Stage 2: Native Wraps

He's moved into a more desert-inspired look here, appearing rugged yet intellectual.

Clearly one of the people, he is sporting this headdress wrap in camel.

Back to the rich red/brown here.

Stage 3: Boxes
This is a simple patterned box hat, whose tones suggest autumn and prosperity.

Military colors show bravery and patriotism

Here he moves into his more elaborate hat phase, with embroidered silk and a diamond over-lay

Despite being very fair skinned, Gaddafi is still black enough to raise the black power fist, wearing a striped hat that tastefully matches his cuffs

Here you can see how Gaddafi's hats indicate a higher level of refinement and class. Shown here in a shiny copper.

Despite President Obama's African heritage, he is unable to truly appreciate the nuances in Gaddafi's royal red and gold ensemble.

A bold move! Stunning.

At the most outstanding end of the boxy hat spectrum, Gaddafi now has the confidence to sport shiny hats, often with matching tunic.

Although it looks Photoshopped in, he rocked this inspiring blue at a news conference.

Ok, that's just gay.

Stage 4: Crowns

Rawr! King of the jungle!

Afrika 4 lyf, bitches!

Stage 5: Uniform Hats
Military Commander

Southwest Airlines Pilot

Stage 6: Our Hero Has Fallen

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