Sunday, September 12, 2010

Me According to Facebook

At some point in our lives we ask ourselves “Who am I? Who do I want to be?” For a few months, offered an array of suggestions for who you might be. Facebook featured a function called “Recommended pages” on the side of one’s News Feed which suggested things you might like according to what other people like who like the same things as you. It knows what you like because you’ve included it in your interests, activities, music, movies, and TV lists. But what if we could do this in reverse? Can you tell what I actually like based on what facebook thinks I might like? Vote in the polls to find out! The questions are all actual facebook suggestions based on the things I like, which are included in the possible answers. Answers will be posted in October after the polls close on 10/19. And don't go looking at my facebook profile, you would-be cheaters!