Thursday, February 5, 2009

1/22 GAMH: Vermillion Lies

When Vermillion Lies are playing a show, kittens get fuzzier, guns become lollipops, and global warming takes a break. Anyone they have play a show with them is bound to be great, and their show 1/22 at Great American Music Hall was no exception. Freddi Price opened with a few witty songs on his acoustic guitar. The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band was probably not what most of the crowd were used to, but this sort of thing doesn’t phase Vermillion Lies fans. Reverend Peyton is a huge fellow with a beard and a guitar, backed up by his Big Damn Band—his wife Washboard Breezy on the washboard, and his brother on drums. Never underestimate the washboard. Their songs were funny and simple. Their hit “Your Cousin’s on Cops” was prefaced with the background story: while watching TV one evening, Reverend Peyton saw Breezy’s cousin on Cops, “and he is not in law enforcement.”
Vermillion Lies, of course, were fantastic. They have a following of very enthusiastic fans. Their deal is that they have a trunk, and each time they open it everyone shouts “What’s in the box?” and a new instrument pops out. In addition to their varied instruments, the Vermillion sisters have great harmonies, witty songs, and excellent stage presence. Instruments include: guitar, piano, large horns, bells, marionette, bicycle, BBQ grill, accordion, kazoo, toy pianos, and a typewriter. Their shows are fun for anyone who has a bit of happiness in them. Their style ranges from circus to New Orleans to just plain morbid. Two of their favorite songs are Long Red Hair—a whimsical and creepy song about twins conjoined at the hair, and Global Warming—a circus waltz about how we’re all going to die: “The ocean levels are rising, the glaciers are melting. You know what that means? Everything’s going swimmingly… You don’t have to worry; or at least you won’t worry for long.” The silly dialog in their songs really adds to the cuteness as well. Their albums What’s in the Box and Separated by Birth will have you singing, giggling, and waltzing in no time. They are playing a few shows in February, and I recommend checking them out. It’s great for dates, grandma’s birthday, or even going alone—VL fans are terribly friendly.
What's in the box?Another little box!What's in the little box? A marionette!
guitar and piano
a big horn
a little drum

modified BBQ grill (and yes, she is wearing a corsage of cash)

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